Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New-to-me Tank (and fender)

I recognize this is not the greatest picture. I usually do much better with the photos I post. However, in my defense, I didn't take this one and I haven't had the forethought to take one of my own with the tank sitting in my living room. It's actually in the shipping box, slightly cocked to the side, and the cats keep trying to jump in with it. It's rather amusing actually. But I've digressed...

This tank, though not a pretty sight at the moment, should become an incredible new addition for Annie. Not pictured here is the rear fender that came in the mail 2 days after the tank. It's solid black just like the current fender on Annie. If only I could locate a front fender that doesn't cost me the equivalent of my first born child. I located one in the Northeast, however it seemed the deal was a kidney for the fender. I thought it was rather pricey, eh? So my next adventure should be to hit the junk yards. I wanna see if I can find a fender and for the price of the part, have a new-to-me front fender without all this other madness.

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