Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mallow Wars

Last weekend, we had a white elephant gift exchange. It was our second annual Happy Holigays. This party was really fun. I will have hundreds of photos later as I dropped the film off a few hours ago to be developed. This party, I decided to lay some disposable cameras around the house so folks could take some pictures for me during the night. I have no idea what kind of things I'll find when I go to pick up the photos, but that's part of the fun. So the only digital photos I have for the moment are the ones I'm including in this blog now. And some are pretty darn fantastic.

We started the party off right apparently. This is a shot of some of the alcohol we had. I think liquor may have contributed slightly to the hours that followed during the "after party party".

At some point in the night, a marshmallow fight broke out. It seems to be tradition. However this year, a marshmallow wrestling match broke out just moments after the marshmallow fight. So of course I snapped some photos of this event. Here I'm not sure what exactly Kim is saying to me except maybe "Thank you for getting proof of this moment in my life".

All I can say is..."YOU OWE ME!!!"

This is the end of our evening. One of my little cats sacked out on the sofa. I think the kitty had the right idea, curl up in a little ball and sleep until your body recovers.

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