Involuntarily I repeat Cartman's, "BEEFCAKE! BEEFCAKE!... weight gain 4000. SWEET!"
Ha ha.
I thought I'd give some shout outs to the folks making my fabulous transformation possible. My good friend Chuck and his lady friend of the infomercial world Christie. Also I cannot forget Eric Cartman, whose beefcake episode keeps me motivated for hours.

So Isn't this an awesome picture :)~ Who knew just a few short months ago that Chuck and Christie would be such a huge part of my life. They entered my life at Christmas 2006.

I kid about the photos, but the machine actually is pretty cool. This blog isn't endorsed by Chuck or Christie in any way. I just got a little bored at work and thought I'd write down some crazy thoughts running around my head. Well yesterday I decided to kick it up a notch in my endeavor to work out. It's really convenient to not have to wait for folks to get off a machine at a gym and forget to wipe it dry from their grotesque sweat. Instead, I just wear whatever the heck I want, flip on the boob tube, and workout until I can hardly walk to bed. Well, maybe not that extreme, I might be exaggerating just a tad. I might have to measure my biceps (I're thinking size queen) so that I can continue to have motivation. Well maybe, I guess if the next week my bicep was smaller I'd give up altogether. Maybe measuring isn't such a good idea after all.
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