So this past weekend, the rejetting began. And let me just say, it was awesome! Who'd have thought that 2 chicks could rejet a bike and not totally screw it up? All I can say is, this next pic sums it up really well...
I felt like my very own pit crew. This is the first time I have felt this intimate with my bike. I guess if someone was holding my heart in their hands drilling on my valves they would feel very intimate with me too.
This is such a neat mod to the bike. The sum total package of mods is: new clutch springs (4 weeks ago) to stop the slipping, new tires to stop the slipping ;), new brake pads cause momma gonna need 'em, new pipes cause they sound awesome, airbox mod cause Annie could hardly breath, new jets to give her more power, signal tripper for those pesky Houston lights that never detect bikes are present, iso grip throttle boss for hand relief on the long hauls, more blue lights to show of the back end of the bike, and finally a modulator to control all lights at once.
Fun with the dog :) A fan, a long beard, and a well behaved dog that listens when you tell him to sit. This picture is priceless.
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