Urban Dictionary had this to say:
An annoying person who responds to hearing someone else’s experience or problem by immediately telling a similar story about themselves with a much more fantastic (or terrible) outcome. A one upper is one who feels like they need to be better than everyone else, so they constantly "one-up" anything that anyone says.
I have to say I agree quite a bit with Urban Dictionary's definitions of a 1-upper. There are days that I just close the chat window cause I can't take the one-upping any longer. Sometimes, all you need is someone to say to you, "Damn that sucks, sorry to hear it." Yet instead you are faced with some one-upping story just to prove that yet again, your day does truly suck.
One thing I found while searching for material on 1-uppers is here:
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=8676280HA ha HA HA ha ha still laughing from the site I just stumbled across...
Oh man, the response of the 1-upper that always has a friend!!! OMG, did I ever have someone in my life like that. I couldn't put my finger on the exact kind of 1-upping, but that just pinpointed it for me. I often wonder to myself how many of these "friends" really are "friends" or just people of whom they heard other 1-upping stories about. Hmm... *scratches head*. I still love that the light bulb just came on for me, it was rather dark in this room.
The next time someone shares a story with you, be sensitive to this issue. Fight the urge to tell a "more fascinating" story, especially if others are present. Remember, telling a like or similar story just to be able to join in to a conversation and seem like you're relating to the topic is still 1-upping.
Something great I learned from http://www.yeartosuccess.com/public/Dont_Be_a_One-Upper.html
- When someone tells you something of significance to them, all they want is a sympathetic ear and to know that they have been heard
- Decide if your story will help the listener
- If you are among friends and you truly have a story more fascinating than the one just told that you feel you must share, lead into it gracefully
- The key is to be a good listener while having consideration for the other person's feelings
Well, it seems that the world is FULL of one-uppers given that there are endless blogs and forums on them. I am not the first to blog about it, I will not be the last to blog about it, but at the moment, this is my rant blog! Hijack it if you must...my rant is done.
If you read this and you have other 1-up blogs or sites to suggest I peruse, let me know. I'd love to check them out.
Rock the hell on man! 1 uppers are the scum of this Earth and us normal people need to take a stand on these assholes!
I think if I walked in to work and said that my arm fell off this past weekend that the 1-uppers I sit by would still 1-up me and feel fully justified in it.
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