Well, I have, so to speak. So my curiosity got the best of me today. It's been a few days since I first saw the Ketchup & Fries flavored BK Chips but every day I have continued to wonder WTF? So today I was able to muster up the guts, change, and support I needed to purchase these crazy creations from our vending machine.
Well, here they are for a full $0.50. I am a little nervous at this moment, but I press on. The guys that are sitting behind me agreed that if I were to buy these, they too would be willing to try them. I tore in to the bag and the guys poured some out on the desk to examine the evidence. And I must not fail to mention, these seriously smell like a pile of fries with ketchup smeared ALL over them.

Here they are on the notebook on the desk. They don't look so bad from a distance. (Sidenote: the guys said that only a woman would have a camera in their bag with them at all times) And let me stop to say that in normal terms, I don't like Ketchup on my fries, I prefer mustard, but, I planned on keeping an open mind about this. I was simply wanting to see if they truly did taste like Fries with Ketchup. I wasn't really looking to find a new snack for myself as I really can't stand Ketchup.

The verdict was in. I asked a total of 14 folks to try these (well 15 but one refused for diet purposes) and of the 14 people 2 (guys) would buy these for themselves. 1 different person would buy them for their kids as they felt that young ones would totally dig these though he didn't. Then there was the rest of us, the other 11 and we wouldn't buy them as they are 1. too weird and 2. if we were going to waste the carbs we'd just go to Burger King and have the real thing. I guess the final stat on these is that no female tester would purchase them again.
Sorry, BK, I think this shouldn't be in adult only vending machines. I think this is totally a product for kids. I can say this was one of the better $0.50 that I spent as I did have a great time offering them to others and then watching their reactions. Sadly enough, I still had 1/2 bag left at the end of my test (and every body knows these tiny bags have hardly anything in them).
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