I have been working on Carmyne Camry to make her just absolutely shine like those cars you see on TV or at the car shows. I think I am very close. Check out all 3 pics and look at the glass like reflections down the body of the car. Carmyne is a 2002 Camry that has not been garage kept (with the exception of 1 year.) So I am very proud of the glossy reflection I was able to buff in to her.
You may ask how did I do this. Well, here's a bit of the details...
The first step I did was to spray some purple magic on the tires and rims and let it sit to eat away at the road grime. I worked on getting the Pine tree sap off and the only thing that worked quickly was rubbing alcohol. You don't want to use a lot. I used cotton balls and a spray bottle of water to keep from marring the paint and clear coat. Once I had all the sap off and scrubbed the tires a bit I hand washed the car to get off any dirt and road grime.
The next step was very tedious. I used Meguiars Smooth Surface Clay kit. This was very labor intensive but the results were well worth it. Check out this YouTube video if you are interested to know what a Clay Bar Kit is: Clay Bar Kit How-To
This is the kit.
Inside the kit is some spray detailing wax, some pour on cleaner wax, 2 clay bars, and a polishing cloth. The spray detailing wax is used to lubricate the surface of the car so you can rub the clay bar over it to remove the city ick and contaminates.
The outcome of clay bar kit is to make the surface of your car as smooth as glass. It is very obvious this happens if you do a small area and test out the two surfaces by touch. My car body feels like it just left the factory.
While I was working on a factory like restoration, I found this light restoration kit also by Meguiar's and was utterly amazed at the results especially for the $20 that it cost. My headlights had been really cloudy and looked aged. I was considering replacing the headlights altogether because they looked so crumby.
After using this restoration kit I was so impressed I felt there was absolutely no need to pursue replacement at all. The lights look spectacular. The kit has the restoration cream, an attachment for your drill, and a polishing cloth. The attachment for the drill makes the work cut down to no time at all. Scroll back up and look at the head on shot of my car to see how clear the light covers are.
Next I used Meguiar's 3 step car wax system. It seems like I'm meguiar's-centric, but it just happened that while at Pepboys, that was the brand that caught my eye the most.
You can see there is step 1 Paint Cleaner, step 2 Polish, and then step 3 Carnuba wax. I also purchased a buffer to assist in this process. It was well worth the money too. Over a weekend, that is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I completed the clay kit and steps 1-3 of the wax system.
The previous weekend, I detailed the engine. That was a major task but now Carmyne looks incredible inside, under the hood, and outside.
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