Oh, I so wish I was talking about a formal ball that you attend once you reach a certain level of stability in your life. Alas, none of us would actually ever be in attendance I am afraid. Anyway, on to my actual topic, and I'm stalling because soon, someone is going to accuse me of being an exercise freak. I only wish that were true, cause if it was, I'd be in fantastic shape. Well, here it is, the Stability ball is another exercise item I have in my repertoire.

This is actually a very versatile piece of equipment and relatively easy to maintain. It's also a great ball to bounce and chase the dog around the house with invoking almost involuntary shrills from him. But I digress. I have found that you can work out just about every muscle using this ball in some fashion. One of my favorite exercises on this is the seated abdominal crunch. It looks easy...but oh does it ever sneak up on you.
The ball I have is actually white, well, used to be white, it's now a lovely shade of blah from exposure to the fantastic non-natural lighting in the house. I actually own two of these. No particular reason as I cannot imagine a single rendition of an exercise that would require two balls. (I'm sorry, I have to stop typing for a moment while I regain my breath... as I just completely cracked myself up...).
If you haven't ever tried using one of these great devices, do so now. They are worth the $20 that they cost.
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