Well, Chuck stopped by to encourage me to keep up the hard work. He mentioned I might have a torture device fetish and that I also might need to seek professional help, but all in all, he said things are pretty good.
So I have another confession. I haven't shown all of my exercise equipment yet. I do still have yet another torture device to reveal. I have to say, I haven't mastered it AT ALL though. I guess that might make one assume that I had mastered the other torture devices. Well, that just ain't true. Ha! I use the wheel of torture often, and I do mean often, however, I have yet to "fully extend" with it. Well, I take that back, I did one time. ONE...TIME. I extended, but there was no pulling back on that baby as I was full plant on the ground lying on my belly.
So here it is, the Ab Trainer as I have recently come to learn it's pseudo official name.

The version I have is a little different but not enough to make an impact. It seems like as you use this device, it isn't doing anything for you. The first time I used it I was up in the 40's with my count of crunches thinking nothing was happening. And then...I tried to stand up. O...M...G... I was horribly mistaken. My abs just hadn't been able to SCREAM at me yet as they were just shredded.
This is a rather interesting piece of equipment. Until a few minutes ago, I didn't realize the variations on exercises you can do with it. I am a little excited now to try some of them when I get home. We'll see if it's truly excitement or a relapse from the RedBull I drank during lunch.
So for those of you that may not know, Starbucks Double Shot has more caffeine in it than RedBull per ounce. Don't believe me...check for yourself. StarbucksDoubleShot versus Red Bull. But I digress again.
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