Friday, April 23, 2010

My Very First IDPA Competition is Tomorrow

That is, if it doesn't rain tonight or tomorrow morning. It is Houston so that's a HUGE IF.

IDPA = International Defensive Pistol Association

I'm a little nervous as it's been a while since I've been at a gun range. I bought my first ever "shoot me first" vest. I usually make fun of people that are wearing these vests cause us in the gun world understand why people wear these vests, especially in Texas. But in IDPA it is a requirement for concealment so I decided to cave in a get me a "shoot me first" vest. In fact, I think this particular vest screams, "YOU BETTER SHOOT ME FIRST" as it is a very tactical vest and there's lots that can be hidden with it.

If any of you want to come see me and cheer me on or come make fun of me you are more than welcome to. I'll be at the PSC Shooting Range in Friendswood. Send me a text to my phone for the exact address.

Wish me luck!

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