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In the end, the only opinions that really matter are your own opinions and the opinions of a very small and select group of people who know the full situation and whose opinions you've actually decided to care about. Everyone else? Not so much.
Drive an old car because it gets you from point A to point B the cheapest.
Use a very basic cell phone so you don't have to pay extra for the phone or the data plan.
Live in a tiny apartment while you're working at a low-paying but career-building job.
Work towards debt freedom instead of facing endless credit card and loan bills, even if it means not having the shiny new thing.
Throw your television out the window and read in the evenings.
Join a community group that all of your old "friends" would have made fun of you for joining.
Spend an hour jumping on a trampoline with your five year old nephew because you love spending time with him.
In the end, the only opinions that really matter are your own and those close people around you who know you and understand why you're making the choices you're making. Everyone else? Forget about them.
In the end, you're the only person living your life and only a small handful of people have a significant impact on your life. The rest of them can take their opinions and their judgments elsewhere.
Focus on what you'd like to accomplish in your own life. Right now, what one thing would you most like to accomplish in your life? Don't worry abut what anyone else thinks or says or wants from you. What do you want from your life?
That's the very thing you should be spending your energies on. Keep it front and center, do the unexpected to get there, and ignore the naysayers.
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These simple changes in perspective can mean huge changes in self worth and self image. You can become sure and proud of yourself and you will radiate it. Thanks Trent for today's words of wisdom. I appreciate them.
This question sticks out from it all. What do you want from your life?
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
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