Thursday, April 29, 2010
NASA Spinoff homepage
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Thank Goodness!!!
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Opinions (I agree)
[Block Quote]
In the end, the only opinions that really matter are your own opinions and the opinions of a very small and select group of people who know the full situation and whose opinions you've actually decided to care about. Everyone else? Not so much.
Drive an old car because it gets you from point A to point B the cheapest.
Use a very basic cell phone so you don't have to pay extra for the phone or the data plan.
Live in a tiny apartment while you're working at a low-paying but career-building job.
Work towards debt freedom instead of facing endless credit card and loan bills, even if it means not having the shiny new thing.
Throw your television out the window and read in the evenings.
Join a community group that all of your old "friends" would have made fun of you for joining.
Spend an hour jumping on a trampoline with your five year old nephew because you love spending time with him.
In the end, the only opinions that really matter are your own and those close people around you who know you and understand why you're making the choices you're making. Everyone else? Forget about them.
In the end, you're the only person living your life and only a small handful of people have a significant impact on your life. The rest of them can take their opinions and their judgments elsewhere.
Focus on what you'd like to accomplish in your own life. Right now, what one thing would you most like to accomplish in your life? Don't worry abut what anyone else thinks or says or wants from you. What do you want from your life?
That's the very thing you should be spending your energies on. Keep it front and center, do the unexpected to get there, and ignore the naysayers.
[Block Quote]
These simple changes in perspective can mean huge changes in self worth and self image. You can become sure and proud of yourself and you will radiate it. Thanks Trent for today's words of wisdom. I appreciate them.
This question sticks out from it all. What do you want from your life?
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Monday, April 26, 2010
We can do it!
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ready for Soil
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Friday, April 23, 2010
New BREG ACL Brace
This is the newest edition to my physical activity gym bag. I picked up my BREG Fusion XT a few weeks back. I tested it out last Saturday when I went on my first post 6 month surgery inline skate for about a mile. It felt so good to be back on the bayou trail. I wish I was running it though. In due time, in due time. I think this brace will be much better than the one I was wearing when I tore my ACL last summer (right?!?!?!? that's what I'm saying). Hopefully I won't have any more knee surgeries. If I do, I'm gonna have to get a tattoo on my left calf that shows the chalkboard tick marks, you know the one.
All you researchers out there hurry up with cartilage replacement! I wanna get back on with normal life for a 30 year old.
My Very First IDPA Competition is Tomorrow
IDPA = International Defensive Pistol Association
I'm a little nervous as it's been a while since I've been at a gun range. I bought my first ever "shoot me first" vest. I usually make fun of people that are wearing these vests cause us in the gun world understand why people wear these vests, especially in Texas. But in IDPA it is a requirement for concealment so I decided to cave in a get me a "shoot me first" vest. In fact, I think this particular vest screams, "YOU BETTER SHOOT ME FIRST" as it is a very tactical vest and there's lots that can be hidden with it.

Wish me luck!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Little Potatoes in the Fancy Potato Box
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My little peppers
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Saturday, April 17, 2010
I've waited 3 years for this moment
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Friday, April 16, 2010
No More Centipede!!!
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Absolutely Gorgeous
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Monday, April 12, 2010
The sticker says ...
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Dark Ale + Bavarian Munich malt + corn syrup = yummy beer
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Sunday, April 11, 2010
6 Giant Watermelons soon to be full of life
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The 1st Batch is AWESOME!
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
Day 1, 9 potatoes: 2 yukon, 1 red, 6 Russet
My name's Kari... Kari Gump. And this is my potato box. Momma always said life if is like a box o' potatoes, u never know how many pounds you gonna get.
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Friday, April 9, 2010
FOX News - Top Stories - U.S. Shuttle Program Lost in Space - Page 1 of 7
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My Seeds are ALIVE!!!
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sun Chips Compostable Bag
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If I were a tree hugger this would totally be my car
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FOX News - Top Stories - Tea Party's Racial Divide (amazingly contradictory)
Yet still the article is written like the tea partiers are all white middle-aged men. What if, just what if the movement was actually started by a black young woman that was gay? GASP! The point is no one knows, no one may ever know, and quite frankly why is it the media that keeps playing the color card? Americans wanting to respect the constitution are not limited to white middle-aged men. It is limited to Americans, Americans that want to be free of oppressive big government.
What cracks me up even more is people that play the part in public but don't live the part behind closed doors. Now suddenly being a black conservative is equated to being a gay in the military. Isn't this America? Aren't we supposed to be the freest people on the planet? And are we really allowing the media to force us into "playing" because we believe their lies? When did it happen that white means republican and black means democrat?
Media = contradiction
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Strawberry pot week 3
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Stresses of my life - the women's (un)restroom
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Sunday, April 4, 2010
6 boxes, 2 fully painted, 1 base coat, 3 more to go
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
Citizen's Police Academy day 2
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